We’re a proud woman-owned small business that opened its doors in 2017 to foster community + growth through yoga!
“We all have different lived experiences and find our way to the mat for many reasons -we’re here to support you through it all. Yoga started as a way to calm my anxious thoughts and manage an auto-immune condition. More than a decade later, I passionately believe yoga is a brave practice of belonging, to ourselves and one another. Show up as you are and allow yoga to be a practice of living into your fullest self!” - Kat Soper, Founder
We center our collective work around a timeless Sanskrit mantra
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
"May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of our own life contribute to the happiness and freedom for all."
Our values are: Community, Loving-Kindness, Integrity, Growth, Celebration
Every experience is created with intention. Our methodology merges ancient wisdom + emerging science to offer an experience of yoga that is accessible + empowering. Learn more about our classes here.
Our Community Agreements
We aim to create an environment where everyone feels welcomed, empowered, and cared for and where we can all feel happy + free as our fullest self. In order to do this we commit to show up in a way that’s grounded in our values, yogic principles, diversity, equity, and inclusion. As members of the community, we all have responsibility in co-creating this culture. Anyone who uses our space enters into the social contract below.
AHIMSA is the principle of loving-kindness in our thoughts, words, and actions. In practicing non-harm, we acknowledge that our words and actions have an impact and will be mindful of both. We commit to words derived from kindness and honesty, and not words that derive from deception, hate, assumption, or gossip. We focus on feeling into our bodies, experiencing our bodies, rather than focusing on what they look like.
AGENCY We acknowledge that we all have different lived experiences and identities. We will offer a trauma-sensitive practice and space where everyone feels safe and empowered to make decisions that feel right for them. If we offer hands-on support in class, you’ll get a card to tell us if you want to receive touch or not.
SANTOSHA is the yogic principle of contentment and gratitude for what is. We will allow space for discomfort, not knowing, and acknowledge that we are human. We will allow ourselves to take up space and create space for each other by moving our mat or belongings to make room.
SAUCHA is the principle of cleanliness, in mind, body, and our surroundings. We will respect the studios as sacred, shared spaces by only bringing in what we need, limiting our technology use unless needed for medical reasons or emergencies, and returning props as we found them.
SVADYAYA is the principle of self-study. We commit to be self-reflective and observe our habits and thought processes honestly. We will strive to strengthen our core self as opposed to our ego.
We will remember that we are part of something greater, and these agreements serve both ourselves and this community. Through this work, on and off the mat, we can contribute to a world where all beings are happy + free!
““So grateful to have PALM + PINE as my neighborhood studio (just a few blocks away) but even if I had to travel I would be a member. The studio is an inclusive, body-positive, trauma-informed space and the community is awesome. Like others have shared here, the instructors are extremely knowledgeable, but are also just kind, down-to-earth humans who clearly find joy and purpose in what they do. Classes are challenging but offer lots of options for folks who are new to yoga, or returning after a hiatus, or recovering from an illness. All are welcome.” ”