A year in review


There has been a F;)K ton to move through this year and we all have had our parts to play. Our part, now and into 2021, is to ensure we’re supporting the efforts of the frontline workers, public health professionals, and civil rights leaders, as part of our vision & work - which is to provide YOU with options, information, and a supportive community so you can empower yourself to be healthy and cultivate a yoga practice that grows with you! And, to raise our community through health, healing, and learning.

Here are things we did this year, together:

Hosted 7400+ visits to the yoga mat (includes check-ins only)

Pivoted from the traditional in-studio only environment to the inclusion of digital classes, courses, and trainings so we could stay connected while staying safe at home (check out the WXOW clip here)

Created a digital subscription with live Zoom classes and OnDemand classes ranging from 20 - 60 minutes, providing more options and ways to maintain a consistent practice

Hired Jackie and Kayla, our media mavens, to help with the pivoting

Found new ways to gather in-studio while following state and local COVID health & safety guidelines

Adapted our business model & pricing structure to make yoga accessible to a wider audience

Contributed $2000+ towards scholarships

Held a community practice for local womxn and mothers at no-cost

Held a community practice for local BIPOC and LatinX folks at no-cost

Held a virtual 30-day yoga community challenge at no-cost

Continued our business sponsorship of The Center: 7 Rivers LGBTQ and Holmen Business Association

Partnered with the La Crosse School District, La Crosse Public Library, Holmen High School & Middle School to provide yoga for educators, students, and families

Purchased $250+ worth of diapers and wipes for the Parenting Place

Partnered with the Parenting Place to deliver mindfulness kits to 100+ families in Holmen & La Crosse

Donated $200 to New Horizon’s Shelter & Outreach Center

Became more resilient, flexible, grounded, and gracious

Continued to show-up to the yoga mat and do the work!

We certainly have a lot of reasons to pause and celebrate. So, let’s do just that!
(Like, actually get up and dance now!)

Thank you for being on this journey with us. Cheers to 2021 being less of a $h*tshow and another year of growth, together, on and off the yoga mat!