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February from the Mat - Join Us for a Community Challenge

Drawing inspiration from the book: Meditations From The Mat, we’ll explore ways to live and practice yoga every day for the month of February.

“Everything all the time…” - The Eagles

“At first glance, the eight-limb path appears to lend itself to a linear approach. It would seem to make sense: you do the first limb, then you proceed to the second, and so on. In fact, we take up all the limbs together. As the line in the Eagles song goes, we do everything all the time. It’s not possible to practice the first two limbs, the yamas and niyamas, without the support of the practices outlines by the other limbs. As we practice asana and pranayama, the postures and breathwork that comprise the third and fourth limbs, we refine our relationship to our body, creating the necessary circumstances for brahmacharya, or moderation, the fourth yama. To practice living in the truth, or satya, the second yama, we must have a mind that has to let go of the habit of distraction and developed the habit of concentration. Concentration is deliberately cultivated in dharana, the sixth limb. We must actually do everything all the time.

Our yoga practice makes this possible. Each time we come to the mat, we have an opportunity to work the entire path, moment by moment. As we move through the postures we are constantly enacting each aspect of the path. Our bodies, our breath, our minds, and our choices are being refined in the laboratory that is our yoga mat. As this symphony becomes established on our mats, it becomes established in our lives as well. Driving to work, mailing a letter, meeting a friend for lunch all become part of the uninterrupted flow of our yoga practice. We are doing our yoga all the time.” - Meditations from the Mat

What’s Included

This challenge will be totally remote. Showing up to the yoga mat in the studio or at home both count towards your daily practice.

  • A guided exploration through the 8 limbs of yoga framed by Meditations From The Mat by Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison

  • A weekly email with themes, selected readings, journal prompts, suggested practices & resources

  • Access to the entire Digital Studio library & live Zoom classes for your daily practice

  • A private Facebook group to chat with each other about the challenge, ask questions, share your aha moments and support each other

  • A weekly live 15-minute practice each Tuesday within the Facebook group

  • Shared Google doc to track and check-off your daily yoga practice

  • Four live Zoom gatherings every Thursday from 7:15 - 8pm to align on a shared intention and discuss nuggets of wisdom from each limb. These will be recorded and made available to anyone who can’t attend

We’ll start the month by committing to 25 minutes of practice every day and building to 40 minutes a day by the end of the month.

Cost & Sign Up

Active Digital Studio subscribers can sign up for FREE! At checkout, you will receive an automatic 100% discount. If you’re not a subscriber yet, you can join this 28-day challenge for just $28 ($1 a day)!

Click here to say YES and sign-up today!